Friday, 4 November 2016

Extended essay.

The link at the end of the page leads to an online copy of one of my last drafts of my extended essay on Biology HL for the IB. The following paragraphs are the abstract of my EE in case someone wanted to read a brief summary of what it is about:

One of the main products of fermentation which has had an incredibly important role through human history is wine, and it has become a topic of my  own interest for different reasons I mentioned within the following extended essay. There is a surprisingly large number of varieties of wine, but the two most common are red wine and white wine. They both come from same genus of grape, vitis,  but they have different alcohol graduation, where red wines have an average percentage alcohol of 12º to 14º and white wines 10º to 12º. If the percentage alcohol in a fermented liquid depends on the microorganisms that have fermented it, this leads to the following question: To what extent does the type of grape, red or white, affect the growth rate and therefore the growth curve of leavening agents?

Colorimetry is commonly used in microbiology in order to determine the turbidity of a liquid. This allows quantification of the number of microorganisms in it. A colorimeter was used to measure the turbidity of grape juices inoculated with bakers yeast at specific time intervals over the course of a week. This was used to calculate the population growth curves of the microorganisms in the different samples. The population growth curves obtained of the red and white grape juice samples showed an statistically significant difference which was calculated through a paired T-Test.

A trend was present in all the populations of white grape juices. They started declining before the red grape juices populations, suggesting that there are less sugars in the white grapes than in the red grapes and therefore less alcohol can be formed by the yeast, leading to the conclusion that this may be one of the reasons why the alcohol graduation is lower for white than red wine.

Link to my Extended Essay:

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Working experience.

This last summer has been a busy summer. Apart from the September tests, extra reading, and summer work, I was able to do three weeks of working experience on a biochemistry laboratory, and I can’t be more happy about taking that decision.

In August, during three weeks, I worked in the biochemistry and hematology laboratories of Hospital La Beata Santa María, in Madrid. There I worked in a professional environment mainly in the blood analysis process and identification of pathogens in body fluids such as urine through different chemical tests. It really helped me to develop my lab skills, my efficiency and made me use to work in a lab environment and also to discuss topics related to it. The people I worked with were amazingly helpful, and I would like to give thanks again from here to Cata, Vio and Paz, cause they made the experience as amazingly productive and instructive as fun. 

I’m not going to post a lot of pictures in the blog due to the privacy of both patients and workers of the centre, but I would like to at least post this one picture that particularly attracted me, which is the coagulated blood from a patient “frotis” with high level of eosinophils. 

Again, thank you very much,Beata team, this experience couldn’t have been better.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Water transport in plants. Potometer!

Back to college! After loads of tests and deadlines, there’s some free time, so I can finally type some posts. This year in Biology HL we’re starting with plant biology. One of the experiments we did in order to show in real life what we’re learning from the book used a potometer. A potometer consist in a glass tube with several apertures and it's used to show water uptake from plants and how it is transported in the Xylem through pressure changes. A potometer is shown in the following picture. 

In order to show the water uptake from the plant, the tube was completely filled with water and the plant was introduced into a bung which then was used for sealing the potometer. After that, as the water was absorbed from the tube by the plant, some air would get into the tube on the opposite howl, so then a water cup had to be situated under the opposite hole in order to seal it. A small bubble of air should be then seen inside tube, and as the water is taken up on the right hand side of the potometer, pressure goes down so the bubble moves in that direction. The distance the bubble moves in a fixed amount of time can be used to calculate the rate at which water is absorbed by the plant.

Although a Potometer can be based on a really simple principle and it’s very useful to show water uptake by plants, it can be a bit tricky and tedious to set up. First of all, no air can be getting into the tube apart from the bubble, and in order to seal all holes a substance like vaseline has to be used to cover the space between the plant and the bung. also if there’s some air left in the tube it can separate the water from the roots of the plant, so no water uptake will take place.

Plant biology, although it can look a bit boring at the beginning, becomes really interesting in terms of transport of nutrients through the plants. The point that makes it more interesting for me is that no mechanical procedure can be used to do this and plants still find ways to achieve this without any problems, fact that I find particularly astonishing.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Origin of Meiosis and How Sexual Reproduction Prevailed.

We’re studying now one of my favorite topics, evolution. The other day, we went after school to watch with our teacher the documentary film “Charles Darwin and the Tree of life”, presented by David Attenborough. I really enjoyed the documentary, but after watching it a question arose in my mind:

Supposedly, a characteristic doesn’t just appear. Is a step by step process, where each of these steps are a random mutation which presents an advantage for the individual which will increase the probability that the individual will survive and will pass it’s genes to it’s offspring. But what if this steps didn’t have any advantage to the individual at first and the process would not be beneficial until it was completed? 

The process I was thinking of was meiosis. If you think about it, what would be the advantage of an early meiosis without any outcome? It could not just appear like a complete process, and, In case it was an advantage on it’s first steps, why can we not find any organism which present this intermediate state of primal meiosis? 

For this reasons I decided to do some research on this topic.

The Origin of Meiosis

The Origin of Meiosis is still Unknown, but there are two main theories which try to explain where it evolved from:

—} Meiosis Evolved from Mitosis: 

In this theory, supposedly the first prokaryotic cells evolved Mitosis first. Then, when Mitosis was settled, Meiosis and sexual reproduction appeared.

The main support for this theory is that both Mitosis and Meiosis are very similar in terms of steps and they use almost the same molecular machinery (For example, The use of Spindle Fibers generated by the centrioles which separate the chromosomes during Anaphase). 

But this still doesn’t explain how variation processes appeared, like Chiasmata and crossing over.

—} Meiosis Evolved from prokaryotic sex:

Prokaryotic sex is a complex process which in simple terms consists in one bacteria releasing (Usually a plasmid of) DNA to the surroundings which is then taken up by another Bacteria and binds to it’s own DNA. This the simplest and most ancient way of achieving variation inside a single “specie”.

Support for this theory is that the earliest eukaryotic cells carry the genes for early meiosis, but are not expressed. This happens for example in Giardia Intestinalis.

However neither of this theories show in a clear way what was the origin of Meiosis.

How is Sexual reproduction an advantage? How did it prevailed?

An obvious advantage of sexual reproduction is that it leads to variation. However, this is a long term process, and Evolution doesn’t work like that. Evolution is based on short term advantages, advantages which increase the probability that the mutated individual would pass it’s genes to the offspring. Long term processes which don’t help the individual to survive in it’s first stages are much less likely to pass to the next generation, because they aren’t an advantage for the individual even though it takes energy for carrying it out.

This shows how improbable it was for Sexual reproduction to appear. The first Sexual reproductive individuals would be in competition with self replicating/cloning organisms and they would have to survive until sexual reproduction was actually an advantage.

With the next diagram I want to show how Sexual reproduction is a long term advantage over self replicating. 

During the second generation of sexual reproductive individuals, There would be both weak individuals and Strong individuals which reproduce this way, and they would have to compete against self replicating “normal” individuals. During this first competition, weak sexual reproductive individuals would die against normal self-replicating individuals, lowering drastically the amount of sexual reproductive organisms. However, Strong sexual reproductive individuals would survive, and normal self-replicating individuals would die against them. 

Therefore, over time, strong sexual reproductive individuals would be the only ones to prevail showing how variation is a long term advantage over cloning and self replicating. The survival of the fittest.

This is one of the blog posts that have taken me more time to do, but it can’t express how I feel about this topic and how amazingly interesting it can be. 

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Our own GMO. Glowing E. Coli!

We just finished genetics a week ago in biology IB. We’re starting Taxonomy now, but before that, we finished one of my favorite topics with one of the experiments I’ve most enjoyed this year. 

The experiment consisted in, by genetic engineering, trying to insert a gene into E-coli bacteria in an LB agar sample which allowed it to glow under UV light.

For doing this, we prepared four plates of LB agar. The first one didn’t have anything in special apart from LB agar. The second and the third one one had ampicillin (A type of antibiotic) apart from LB agar. The fourth one, apart from this two, had Arabinose on it, which is a type of sugar.

In my group we did also plate 5 and 6 because we had extra LB agar. They were the same than plate 4.

Then we prepared four samples of E-coli for each of our plates. The first two didn’t have anything in special, but in the other two we inserted a vector named P-Glo, which can be seen in the diagram: 

The vector presents 3 important parts. First of all, a promoter sequence of DNA based on the presence of arabinose sugar attached to the green fluorescent gene. This means that for the gene to be translated into a protein, there has to be arabinose sugar in the sample. The green fluorescent gene translates into a protein that allows the organism to glow under UV light. The other important section is the gene of ampicillin resistance, which will allow the bacteria to survive even if there’s ampicillin in the sample. 

For introducing the genes into the last two samples, we poured some vectors of the gene that was a previously copied by a PCR machine into the two last samples with E-coli. Then we putted both samples in a water bath at 42 degrees. This would make the bacterial membrane of the E-coli permeable for the Vector P-glo to pass through and being used by the bacteria.

Then we letted the bacteria to grow and multiply for two days and we got the following results:

-The first plate had a big group of E-coli visible on it, but these ones didn’t have anything in special because we didn’t inserted the vector on them. 

-On the second plate, all the E-coli had died. This is because the Agar had ampicillin on it and the antibiotic killed the bacteria.

-The third plate had E-coli on it but they weren't able to glow. The reasons for this is that even if they had the P-glo vector inside of them (Which gave them the resistance to the ampicillin, the reason why they survived), there wasn’t any arabinose sugar on the sample. Because of this, the promoter didn’t activate, and the glowing gene wasn’t translated into the protein.

-Finally, on the fourth plate we had glowing bacteria! In this case there was arabinose on the sample, so the glowing gene was translated into a protein that gave the E-coli the ability to glow under UV light.

I’ve really enjoyed this experiment and shows me that biology is even more fun than what I expected. We’re starting Evolution now with our other teacher, let’s see how it goes!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Creating our own little "Earth".

As I said in my previous blog posts, we’re studying ecology at the moment in Bio HL IB. The other day, having a lesson about the same topic than in my last blog post (The correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature), we carried out a really simple experiment with the aim of showing us that this correlation can actually exist in a much smaller level if he have three things: Carbon dioxide, a sealed mini-atmosphere and a source of light.

The experiment consisted in the following steps:

-You take two flasks.
-Cover the base with a thing layer of water.
-Put a thermometer in each flask.
-in a side of one of the flasks, we fill a conic flask with Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and we seal the top of the conic flask connecting a tube from it to the nearest flask.
-We cover both Flasks with a plastic layer, leaving a space for the thermometers and the tube in one of the flask that is connected to the conic flask. 
-We uncover the conic flask and we pour hydrochloric acid. Immediately after that, we seal the conic flask again, which is connected to the other flask.
-We put both flasks under a source of light like a lamp, arranging them in a way that both get the same amount of light.

So what do we expect to happen?

Both flasks should have the same initial temperature, 21ºC in my case, but when they are heated by the light, the one that is connected to the conic flask should become hotter, because CaCO3 reacts with Hydrochloric acid forming CO2 (Which will pass through the tube), CaCl2 and H2O (Which will remain in the conic flask). As we end up having more CO2 in one flask than in the other one, we should end up with more temperature in the flask with extra CO2.

And this actually was what happened, after 30 minutes, the normal flask ended up having 30ºC and the one with extra CO2 ended up having 32ºC. It may not look as a big difference, but we have to take in count a lot of factors. Although the Extra-CO2 flask should had a bigger temperature because the CO2 traps heat and doesn’t let it get out of the flask, there wasn’t a lot of time for this to happen. Also, it will loose a bit of heat because the room was at a much lower temperature. The water would also have an effect, as it has a high specific heat (Amount of energy needed to heat or cool down an object), but it is needed because it makes much easier to measure the temperature with the thermometers… And even with all this factors, the CO2 was able to rise the temperature 2 centigrades! This shows us how CO2 levels have and incredible effect in global temperature and how they are absolutely linked together.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

How a little fern called Azolla drastically cooled down the earth 50 million years ago.

As I said a couples of posts ago, we have started Ecology in Biology IB. Today in our lesson, we talked about climate change. more particularly, about how the CO2 levels affect to the global temperature and they both increase and decrease together at the same rate.  
(Photo credit: Bioknlowledgy)

This afternoon I was watching a couple of videos from SciShow ( and I was really surprised when I realized that yesterday they posted a video about this exact same thing!

Link to the video:

What the video is talking about is one of the main hypothesis about how the earth’s temperature drastically decreased 50 million years ago. And this reason is a Fern called Azolla, a small fern that lives over fresh water which flourished around 50 million years ago in the northern arctic sea, covering millions of square kilometers and almost lowering the CO2 levels in the atmosphere by half. By doing this, as CO2 is a gas which contributes to the greenhouse effect, the temperature was reduced drastically, leading to a new glacial period.

A lot of research is being done at the moment about Azolla, and one of the main questions that the researchers want to solve is… Would Azolla be able to cool down the earth AGAIN under the right conditions?

But this is just a little summary, in the video they explain it much deeply and better, so, go check it out!

Monday, 11 April 2016

DNA profiling.

We are finishing genetics in our Biology lessons, and one of the main experiments we performed was DNA profiling. For this experiment, we used gel electrophoresis. An important step before we start is to put gloves on, so we don’t put any pieces of our own DNA into the sample and contaminate the results.

We placed four identical copies of the same DNA strand into four containers. The first container was empty, but the other three had different restriction enzymes. Each of this restriction enzymes cut the DNA strand after different sequences. These enzymes were EcoRl, BamHl sonf HindIII.

After placing the DNA in the different containers, we placed the containers into a hot water bath (About 36º C but I’m not completely sure) for the enzyme to work correctly and a bit faster. while we wait for the enzyme to cut the entire pieces of DNA, we poured agarose gel into the electrophoresis tank and and let it there a couple of minutes so it solidifies.

While the gel in the electrophoresis tank is solidifying, we mixed the samples (each of them separately) with ink. When the gel is solidified we placed two carbon fibre tissues on each side of the electrophoresis tank. Then we put some TBE buffer on top of it. After that we pour the samples of DNA already mixed with the ink carefully into the wholes of the gel with a micro syringe through the buffer. 

As the DNA is negatively charged, it would be attracted to a positive pole of electricity, but it would be more difficult to attract the big strands of DNA than the smaller ones so if we let the magnets attract the different samples through the gel for a couple of hours, we will be able to appreciate different strands of DNA placed through the gel, the ones that are nearer to the opposite site of the tank would have to be smaller and the ones that are nearer to the other site of the tank should be bigger. by doing this, we can compare the result to another sample and get conclusions like if they are the same person or even if they are related. 

For doing this, we connected two wires to each site of the tank, attaching them to the carbon fibre, creating therefore an electric attraction that is able to move the gel. After being connected for two hours, we disconnect the electricity and analyze the results in the gel.

(Photo credits: Oliver Ferres)

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Pellet Dissection!

A couple of days ago (before the easter holiday started) we did an experimental work in Biology which didn't seem really appealing at first, but ended up being fun and interesting. We are still in the topic of ecology, so the experimental work wanted to show us how the loss of biomass in the different trophic levels is actually expressed in nature.

The experimental work consisted in dissecting Owl Pellet. Pellet is the mass from the food that can’t be digested and is regurgitated by some species of carnivorous birds such as Hawks and owls. This mass can present indigested feathers, hair, insect exoskeletons and even bones from small vertebrates such as rats or mice. 

What we tried to do in the experiment consisted in dig into the pellet with the aim of finding bones from this type of small mammals, and I have to say even if it looked a bit nasty at first, it ended up being pretty addictive and exciting to even being able to find skulls, jaws, legs or even full skeletons of rats.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Synthetic bacteria shows us the essential genes for life

This morning I was watching this youtube video from Scishow I found it amazingly interesting:

During the first part of the video it explains us how a group of scientists and researchers from “Celera Genomics” lead by the president founder of the company Craig Venter have been able to create a synthetic bacteria with the minimum amount of genes necessary for the organism to survive. 

                            (Photo credit: Tom Deerinck & Mark Ellisman/NCMIR/University of California at San Diego)

For achieving this, they carried out the following experiment during the last years: They started with the genome of the bacteria “JCVI-syn1.0”, commonly known as “Synthia”, a Genetically engineered  bacteria created by the same team in 2010 witch is considered as the world first synthetic organism. They started up with the original 901 genes from Synthia and then started deleting with restriction enzymes the genes which they didn't consider “essential” for the bacteria to live, and then testing if the new organism was able to survive after cutting down that gene.

After testing this for years, they ended up with an organism which the called JCVI-syn3.0 which presented ONLY 473 genes! a really small amount of genes considering that the smallest genome from a bacteria known in nature is 525 genes and Humans present from 20000 to 25000 genes. This experiment is not only important because it created a living organism with the smallest possible genome, but also because it showed us which genes in an organism are actually essential for it to be “alive”, considering to be alive to be able to process organic matter into energy allowing it to grow and therefore reproduce by replicating itself.

What is more interesting about these experiment is that inside of these genome there are 149 genes which scientist don’t actually know what they code for! This is 31% of the genome of the bacteria and we don’t have any idea of what it does, but we know they are completely essential for the bacteria for being able to live. This is like saying that we don’t know one third of essential biology, and shows us how much we still have to research for achieving full knowledge in this field.

On the other hand, this experiment is part of our first steps in creating synthetic life, and it carries some ethical issues with it  which consist in what some people refer to as “playing god”. There’s an article on The New Scientist about this, and it tell us that we’re far from “playing god” yet. This is the link to the article.

Friday, 25 March 2016

New species of Octopus found in record depth

The NOAA expedition project is a three year long project which started in 2015. It’s aim is to carry out a couple of expeditions in the deep waters near Hawaii for finding out more wildlife in this part of the world. (further information:

What is interesting about this deep waters in Hawaii is that they keep a huge ecosystem in a really unusual depth. It appears twice as deep as the ones that were considered the deepest "big ecosystems" until a couple of years. This ecosystem is founded at 4000m of depth, and during the eight previous dives that the team has performed this last months they have been able to contribute with a lot of information to scientists about life habits of rare species that science didn't know a lot about.

It was only matter of time that a new species were discovered and this has been the case. A new type of “ghost” octopus species found at 4290m deep in the seas surrounding Hawaii, which you can see in the following link:

Monday, 21 March 2016

Animals which sense the magnetic field

Animals like pigeons, lobsters, moles, even fruit flies can use the magnetic field for orientating themselves in the globe. This has been known since a couple of decades, but why do we know so little about it even if there’s loads of experiments and research going on with this topic? 

I was reading an article on the new scientist about this and I found it really interesting. Basically, even there are a lot of animals with some kind of ability for feeling the magnetic field, none of them show a real organ or region in their body that is designed for this. As the article says “There is no nose or ear for feeling the magnetic field that we can appreciate”, and also, if this different “organ” even exist, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in the same place for all animals which sense the magnetic field.

Lately one of the substances that has been studied is Cryptochrome, a type of protein found in the eyes of some animals. It produces radicals (A type of chemical compound) depending on the magnetic field, and it’s used by fruit flies for sensing the magnetic field, for example. For proving that this substance had something to do with magnetic orientation, a team of scientists from the University of Oxford genetically modified a group of fruit flies cutting down the gene which produced this substance. This engineered flies that didn’t present Cryptochrome, weren’t able to orientate using the magnetic field. Unfortunately, we cannot say that all animals which sense the magnetic changes base that perception on this substance, because humans also contain Cryptochrome and we don’t sense the magnetic field. 

Animals with the ability to feel the magnetic field are still a mystery for us, so there’s still a lot of research to be done in this topic, but if we get to find what is the real root of all this, It could have great benefits for us.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

My Own Mesocosm!

A Mesocosm is an experiment carried out for studying the development of nature under controlled conditions. It is really useful for testing the changes that organism will undergo under certain circumstances.

Last week in Biology we created our own mesocosm. It was simple, we picked up a bottle, added some small rocks, some sand, some compost, some water and the plant that we wanted to. I chose to put germinating peas into it. Then we sealed the bottle with some tape. As we studied in Photosynthesis, the plants would get Water, CO2 and sunlight to form glucose, creating Oxygen and water vapour as byproducts. Then, the bacteria from the compost would use the oxygen and produce CO2, which will be used by the plants, completing then the cycle. Then, even if the small ecosystem was isolated, it should be able to survive. The only element that should be getting in and out would be energy in the form of sunlight getting into the bottle and kinetic energy in form of 

In theory this works, but in practice this is not so simple. The plants could die due to many reasons: Too much water, not enough CO2, not enough compost and therefore bacteria for producing oxygen… Etc. So I wasn’t really sure if my plants were going to survive.

I have to say I got really excited when one of the germinating peas started to root. That was three days ago, now a couple of germinating peas have already grown up. It may seem like a kind of childish experiment but if you think about it’s really interesting and it has so many applications. Now everyday the first thing I do in the mornings is check how my plants are, even knowing that I wouldn't be able to do anything about it because is completely sealed, but still it makes me feel really excited.   

Monday, 29 February 2016

A recent case of deadly fungus infection in bananas is fastly spreading and it could heavily affect the global market

In my IB biology class we have started the topic of Ecology and it's application. For one of my blog posts in this topic I will summarize the following article:

The tropical race 4 or fomarium oxysporum is a type of fungi which causes what is know as Panama disease on the variety of cavendish bananas, which is the only variety grown for the global market. The specie of fungi was first discovered in the 1990s in malasia but now it has spread to south east Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

The disease is deadly for the cavendish banana. It spreads through death plant matter but also through the clothes of the workers, and the pathogen is quickly spreading to other countries. It supposes a great danger not only for mass producers of bananas for developed countries, but also for local little farmers whose economy depends on their banana plantations. It's vital that scientist find a solution to the epidemic, cause it will have devastating results if it developed more.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Elodea experiment.

Today in Biology HL we did a another experiment, but smaller than the previous one. In the experiment we took Elodea, an aquatic plant.

What we wanted to proof with the Elodea was that the rate of photosynthesis actually depends on the amount of light that is given to the plant. We put the plant inside of a test tube with water and we were able to see the bubbles of CO2 that came out from the plant. Then, we plugged a lamp and gradually we moved it closer to the test tube. Doing this, we could actually see how the rate of bubbles increased at the same time we moved the lamp nearer to the plant.

I found it really interesting, and it shows you how what you're studying actually works in real life.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Pigment spectrum experiment

So as I said in my last post,  we started photosynthesis in my class of Biology HL. Today we did our first practical in this topic for understanding better how pigments (Chlorophyll is an example of a pigment) actually work and how do they difference from each other.

In the practical, the first thing we did was to put a small spatula of sodium sulphate into a test tube. Then, in that same test tube we got some small pieces of spinach inside of it and mixed them with a forceps. After mixing both of them until we get kind of a liquid, we get that liquid with a painting brush. Using that painting brush, we put the liquid in a small point of  a peace of paper, 1.5 cm from the edge. Then we blow in the point and put more liquid in it, for making it really concentrated. After repeating this step a couple of times, we get the paper into a test tube and fill it in with solvent B (I don't know the exact name) until the liquid is a couple of milimetres far from the point.

After all this process we leave the test tube with the paper resting for a couple of minutes. The solvent B would carry the pigments, which has been separated by the Sodium sulphate. The solvent would be able to carry some pigments further than others depending on their "weight" and we will be able to see the different pigments form the spinach leaves.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Photosynthetic animals?

Photosynthetic animals?

We just started topic 8.3, photosynthesis, in Biology HL. One of the first things we were talking about were if plants, fungi, algae and some microorganisms were the only ones that could get energy via photosynthesis. We discovered then that that isn't true. First of all we looked this video:

(Since I started IB Hank has became one of my closest friends)

So It's true that there are animals that use photosynthesis for getting energy from the environment and accumulate it as ATP. And only that, There also vertebrates which do that. It is true that they are not fully photosynthetic (except of the first one which has to eat for their first weeks), but still, that animals have evolved to create a type of symbiosis (or at least mutualism) between them and photosynthetic creatures for harvesting energy.

Another animal that we checked in our last lesson was a specific type of jellyfish that only lives in one specific lake an specific island of indonesia which has living algae on them and they live in a completely symbiotic relationship. The Algae provides the energy needed by the jellyfish for surviving and the jellyfish moves towards the sun, facilitating the algae's work, and also protecting it from the outside.

I just see that the possibility of having photosynthetic animals in the actual world (Which means that there's a possibility of humans also being able of doing that in a far future) absolutely amazing.