Sunday, 8 November 2015

Amylase farm

So basically what we did in our last biology project was to test how starch is affected and then broken down by amylase. And we got the amylase from our saliva...

Conclusion: I'm an amylase factory

Monday, 28 September 2015


Homeopathy, real or pseudoscience?

Homeopathy is consider nowadays as a pseudoscience, but, what is homeopathy?

Homeopathy was invented (Or based on the ideas) in the 1790s by a German doctor called Samuel Hahnemann. The bases of this ideas is that a substance that produces and illness, if it’s ingested in a really small amount it can cure that illness. An example, is the Colloidal Silver, where a little amount of silver is reduced in water and divided in ten parts, then they pick up one tenth of the liquid and dissolve it in water, and pick again a tenth of this solution. they follow this process loads of times more until they get the desired amount.

These, in a first look doesn’t make any sense, Maybe in the last solution there’s nothing of this substance left, but there is a huge amount of people that trust homeopathy.

Homeopathy is still the target of a lot of experiments, even thought none of the experiments that has been done had get any positive result.

For finishing, i would like to talk about a personal example. My grandmother was infected by a illness, and she was recommended to try this product I mentioned at the beginning, the Colloidal Silver. After trying this “medicine” for a year, her illness not only didn’t disappeared, it had increased, and she concluded that homeopathy could be summarized in two words: Expensive lie.

Artificial sweeteners linked to glucose intolerance

Artificial sweeteners, such us saccharin, sucralose or aspartame, have been used in the last years as a way of fighting calories, fat, and the most important, Diabetes. Basically they are sweeteners that can go until 20000 times sweeter than sugar, but instead of carry calories or create fat, they are made of substances that our body cannot absorb.

The problem comes when late studies made on mice revealed that these artificial sweeteners can produce glucose intolerance. one of the most reasonable reasons that could cause these is that artificial sweeteners are able to do any kind of change in our gut bacteria, producing that glucose couldn't be absorbed. The problem that these supposes is that the epidemic illness known us diabetes has this symptoms, usableness to absorb glucose in our body.

This provoques that these artificial sweeteners that were created for helping people infected by Diabetes in terms of use sweeteners in their food, but instead of that it helps diabetes to go further, and it can even cause that a healthy person would get Diabetes.

Although, this topic is still under study, and most of the businesses in charge of this product refuse to accept this results. There’s still a lot of research that has to be done, and maybe, find out why this artificial sweeteners produce the change on the bacteria gut, and probably fix it.